A disciplined & collaborative approach, designed to quickly & thoughtfully focus on the critical aspects of your digital business.
We work collaboratively, listening and understanding your business challenges and opportunities. Together, we use the left and right sides of our brains, and focus on what matters most when creating the best digital strategy, products and services for your organization.
Realistically, it’s possible to start a project at any point. But rest assured – if we’re missing any important details, we quickly circle back and fill them in, to enable success down the line.
Starting with your highest order business challenges or opportunities, we work our way down, uncovering objectives, tactics, confirming timeline and scope, and completing an audit of all relevant aspects of your digital business.
We examine your market, your organizational strengths, target audiences, business performance, and digital capabilities – including current digital products and services, technology, content, creative and asset inventory. All project stakeholders attend kickoff and insight sessions where we explore detailed objectives, opportunities and challenges. Deliverables include:
- Strategic Plan including SWOT analysis, options & recommendations, detailed financials & ROI
- Target Audience / User Needs Report
- Competitors Report
- Website / Digital Effectiveness Report
- Content Analysis Report
- Contact FPCG for samples
Content-wise, we develop a content creation, consolidation or expansion strategy, determine how that content will be produced and updated, and identify key performance indicators to make sure your content is performing optimally.
We test the usability of recommended solutions to ensure the product is intuitive and enjoyable for your target audiences. Deliverables include:
- Usability Assessment Report
- Information Architecture
- Website or Application Map
- Functional Specifications
- Wireframes
- Contact FPCG for samples
These are also integrated with your organization’s existing brand identity, style guide, logotype and logo, as needed.
Resulting concepts span all aspects of your digital project – website, apps, email/CRM and social media channels. Deliverables include:
- Creative Concepts, Logo Design, Palette
- Designs for primary and secondary pages across the target platforms
- Style Guide
And as the build comes together, FPCG works with you to gather, digitize and integrate your body of content – text, audio, graphic, video and user-generated. Deliverables include:
- Initial prototypes of all new functionality
- Alpha and Beta versions
- Copy and content checklists for loading
- Launch-ready project populated with all content
We then proceed with a soft launch to your internal audience to ensure all aspects of the project are functioning properly, followed by full public launch. Both launches typically involve the deployment of a staging environment and a production environment. Deliverables include:
- Launch Checklist
- Product Launch and Stabilization
- Training Sessions
- Publishing and Technical Documentation (printed and digital knowledge base)
Clients typically engage FPCG as an internal digital lead / executive for twelve-to-eighteen-months to ensure organizational effectiveness, and to transition the project to operational personnel.